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Poem: “I Want to Sleep Again” – Seeking Peace in a Restless World

I Want to Sleep Again

In the land where the sun never sets
Where the creatures never sleep
I want to go there and seek a validation for my life.
Bumping into dead trees and being eaten up by predators
Making me less with every bite they take off of me,
I want to be complete again,
I want to sleep again,
in the land where the sun never goes down.
Nights are a scary time,
Trees swaying from the storm out of the window,
Demons avoid to roam in the omnipresent luminescence,
They rather chose to hide under my bed or in my closet.
Hoping that the demons don’t get brave tonight.
Praying this I pass out until the sunlight
So it goes like that day after day, night after night.
All my comrades are living a comfy life
Leaving me in the battle ground alone.
Alone that can’t be separated from loneliness,
loneliness that can’t be separated from the night
Had I been mute, deaf or dead
I wonder would I still feel my discomfort.
Sometimes I can’t breathe so I suck on a cigarette
I do what I do to get by
Don’t get my intentions wrong about that
Because this piece of coal dreams of shining like a diamond.
Only waiting for my turn,
Standing in line for the flight that would take me
to the land of never setting sun.

Writing “I Want to Sleep Again” was a deep dive into my own psyche, a reflection on the universal human desire for peace and rest in a world that often seems relentless and unyielding.

Struggles and Sacrifices

The lines, “Bumping into dead trees and being eaten up by predators, Making me less with every bite they take off of me,” speak to the inevitable encounters with obstacles and adversities. These experiences, though they diminish us in some ways, are also what drive us to seek completeness and rest. It’s a paradoxical struggle where each challenge takes a piece of us but also propels us forward in our quest.

The Desire for Rest

The stanza “I want to be complete again, I want to sleep again, in the land where the sun never goes down,” encapsulates the yearning for a state of rest and wholeness. This desire is juxtaposed with the continuous activity and wakefulness of the land where the sun never sets, symbolizing the inner turmoil and unending search for peace.

The Night as a Metaphor for Fear

Nights are a scary time, Trees swaying from the storm out of the window, evokes a vivid image of the night as a time of fear and uncertainty. The demons that “avoid to roam in the omnipresent luminescence” but hide under the bed or in the closet represent the inner fears and anxieties that are ever-present but often hidden.

The Isolation of the Battle

The lines, “All my comrades are living a comfy life, Leaving me in the battle ground alone,” express a profound sense of isolation. The battle ground is a metaphor for the personal struggles that one faces alone, despite the seemingly comfortable lives of others. This loneliness is intertwined with the night, creating a cycle of fear and solitude.

Struggling to Breathe

Had I been mute, deaf or dead, I wonder would I still feel my discomfort. Sometimes I can’t breathe so I suck on a cigarette, portrays the desperation and coping mechanisms we adopt to get through tough times. The act of smoking a cigarette, while harmful, is a temporary escape, a way to cope with the overwhelming discomfort.

Dreams of Transformation

The line, “Because this piece of coal dreams of shining like a diamond,” is a powerful metaphor for the hope and aspiration that lie within each of us. Despite the struggles and the pain, there is an inherent desire to transform, to rise above the circumstances and shine.

Waiting for a New Beginning

In the concluding lines, “Only waiting for my turn, Standing in line for the flight that would take me to the land of never setting sun,” I reflect on the anticipation of a new beginning. It’s about waiting for the moment of transformation, the flight that will take me to a place of eternal peace and rest.

Writing “I Want to Sleep Again” was not just a creative exercise but a therapeutic process. It allowed me to confront my fears, acknowledge my struggles, and express my deepest yearnings. Through this poem, I hope to connect with readers who have felt the same way, to let them know they are not alone in their search for peace and validation.

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