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Poem : FRACTURING FACTUAL FRACTAL | Intricate Patterns of Dreams and Thoughts


Do you remember the dry lonely tree
that stood on the barren land in our nightmares,
owls sit on it and night never turned to day,
white moon loomed big and wonderful in the sky, and
through the cracks in land hissed the poisonous snakes,
and you sat in the distance
with your eyes locked on the dry tree.
You realised that you are in a nightmare
but don’t want to seek a way out.
Not yet at least,
the picture in front of your eyes is too curious a case,
partly because there isn’t anybody you’d have to face.
Neither you have to pace,
you aren’t sitting neither are you standing up,
you just seem weightless, sort of fixed,
like a lens on top of a camera head,
neither clicking the picture nor turning the lens away,
it feels like you might just wake up,
if you realised the absence of your guts,
but the realisation is inevitable,
waking up has never been comfortable,
so, you wake up sometime later,
and then you remember god,
because that’s your totem of reality.
If you are not comfortable with the concept of god,
then you are in a limbo as they say.
An unfocussed creation built around and only for you,
not fulfilling anyone’s purpose
only fulfilling the arrogance that put you
in this endless maze in the first place anyways.
Seek to tell seek to listen,
once heard you might be ready to ring the bell,
heaven and hell are the big things,
me and my likes are too occupied with their prototypes,
everything I get into
acts as a factual fractal
that seeks to paint the bigger picture,
the concepts remain the same, the design is the same,
just wonder how many ways it can be repeated again
and placed in different places with different rotation
to make something beautiful!!


Navigating through the dreamscapes of our minds can be as bewildering as standing before a fractal. Writing “Fracturing Factual Fractal” allowed me to explore this perplexing nature of our thoughts and experiences, where patterns repeat with slight variations, forming an intricate web of familiarity and change.

Imagine that dry, lonely tree in the middle of a barren land – a recurring symbol in our nightmares. This tree stands tall, a silent witness to the eeriness around it. Owls perch on its branches, and the night never seems to turn to day. The moon, bright and imposing, watches over this desolate landscape. Poisonous snakes hiss through the cracks in the ground, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. In the distance, I find myself, eyes fixed on this haunting scene.

There’s something oddly captivating about this nightmare. Despite recognizing that it’s a dream, there’s a reluctance to wake up. The imagery in front of me is too intriguing, too curious to leave behind. It feels like a reprieve from the usual chaos, a place where I don’t have to confront anyone or anything directly. In this space, I’m neither sitting nor standing; I am weightless, like a camera lens fixed on a scene, observing but not engaging.

This weightlessness is a metaphor for the state of limbo we often find ourselves in. It’s a place where we’re aware of our fears and uncertainties but choose to stay because confronting reality seems daunting. Waking up from this state, from this comfort zone of observation, is never easy. It involves facing the harsh light of day, the responsibilities, and the complexities that come with being awake.

When we finally wake up, there’s often a need to find something familiar to ground us. For some, it might be the concept of God, a comforting reminder of reality. For others, the absence of such a grounding force can feel like being in a perpetual state of limbo, an unfocused creation built around our own arrogance and confusion.

The poem touches on the idea of these self-imposed mazes, these endless loops we create in our minds. We repeat patterns, relive experiences, and yet, each iteration feels slightly different. It’s like a factual fractal – the same design repeating in countless ways, each rotation bringing a new perspective, a new angle.

This fractal nature of our experiences is fascinating. It suggests that while the core concepts and designs of our lives remain consistent, the variations create something new each time. It’s an exploration of how we navigate these patterns, how we seek to understand and find meaning in the repetition.

“Fracturing Factual Fractal” is a reflection on this journey through our thoughts. It’s about recognizing the beauty in the repetitive patterns of our minds, appreciating the subtle differences that each iteration brings. Writing this poem was a way for me to delve into these recurring themes, to understand the cyclical nature of our experiences.

As you reflect on the imagery and ideas in “Fracturing Factual Fractal,” consider how your own thoughts and experiences follow similar patterns. Think about the times you’ve found yourself in a state of limbo, reluctant to wake up from a comfortable, if unsettling, dream. Recognize the beauty in these patterns, the fractal nature of our lives, and the endless ways in which we can find meaning and understanding.

Through this exploration, I hope to inspire a deeper appreciation for the complexity of our minds, for the intricate designs that shape our reality. Embrace the patterns, the repetitions, and the variations, and find comfort in the ever-evolving journey of self-discovery.





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