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Poem: “Drama Queen” – The Deceptive Inner Voice and Life’s Persistent Challenges


Maybe the thoughts that we think about
are not the only thing that we should rely upon.
Because like looks your inner voice could be deceiving too.
Never showing its true face
always going around your brain
moving from one place to another.
A sly little thing this faceless voice
it has no religion, no beliefs, no mercy even on you.
Like a parasite it feeds on you and other things through you
like a queen it sits on a throne
in a palace where you aren’t supposed to enter
liking one thing one day
the other thing the other day.
A blind brat which understands no limits
only wishes then wishes some more
leaving all the work to your two stupid hands
who are so lazy they don’t even want to move.
Goddamn problems of life keep striking its stick
and it’s only your head on the receiving end
one hit after another after another.
The sly voice inside the head is so arrogant it doesn’t back down
and you try to order your legs to run
but like a couple of idle horses the legs
chew up on their fodder with indifference,
you think of giving up
but the menial desire puts a knife
against your most precious wires in your brain
and threatens to cut them off
if you showed any signs of free will.
So you stay still, facing the hits
and the passersby call it persistence
when in truth you are stuck,
stuck within the self-made walls.
It’s not like you didn’t make a back door to the bound box you
are in,
it’s just that you have forgotten the way to it.
Like a prisoner inside the walls
that are beyond space, time and material
You go on as long as the queen wants you to go
and when she’s bored,
you can drop in whatever dream you like.


Life is a complex maze of thoughts, emotions, and experiences, often governed by an unseen, almost dictatorial force within us. My poem “Drama Queen” delves into the intricacies of this inner voice that, much like a monarch, commands our actions and desires with an iron grip. Through this piece, I explore the nature of this elusive, manipulative presence that shapes our lives from within, often without us even realizing it.

The inspiration for “Drama Queen” comes from the realization that our inner voice, much like our external appearances, can be incredibly deceptive. It has no fixed form or beliefs and operates with a level of cunning that can rival the most intricate plots. This voice can lead us astray, making us doubt our true selves and steering us in directions we might not have chosen consciously. It’s a sly entity, always on the move within our minds, never settling, and constantly influencing our decisions and emotions.

In the poem, I liken this inner voice to a faceless, relentless force that feeds on our thoughts and actions, much like a parasite. It sits enthroned in a palace within our minds, making whims and desires known, often leaving us to deal with the aftermath of its commands. This inner ruler is a brat with insatiable desires, leaving us to labor and toil, trying to fulfill its ever-changing wishes. It’s a stark reminder of how our minds can become slaves to their own whims, often leading to frustration and confusion.

The poem also touches on the struggles we face when trying to break free from this internal bondage. Our physical selves, represented by our hands and legs, often become mere instruments in the service of this demanding inner voice. Life’s relentless challenges strike us repeatedly, and our heads bear the brunt of these blows. Despite this, the inner voice remains arrogant and unyielding, driving us forward even when we feel like giving up. It’s a battle between the will to persevere and the overwhelming urge to escape.

One of the most poignant aspects of “Drama Queen” is the notion of feeling stuck within self-made walls. We create these boundaries in our minds, perhaps as a means of protection or coping, but they eventually become prisons. We might have crafted an escape route, a back door to freedom, but over time, we’ve forgotten the way. This sense of entrapment is a powerful metaphor for the human condition, where we often find ourselves trapped by our own thoughts and fears.

Yet, despite this seemingly bleak outlook, there is a glimmer of hope. The poem suggests that this internal monarchy, while powerful, is not absolute. When the “queen” tires of her rule, we find moments of respite, allowing us to dream and imagine freely. It’s in these moments that we can reconnect with our true selves, free from the tyranny of our inner voice.

“Drama Queen” is an exploration of the human psyche, highlighting the constant tug-of-war between our desires and the voice that governs them. It’s a reflection on the struggle to maintain our identity amidst the chaos of our thoughts and the external pressures we face. Through this poem, I hope to convey the importance of self-awareness and the need to find balance within ourselves.

Writing this poem was a cathartic experience for me, as it allowed me to confront my own inner battles and express them in a way that others might relate to. It’s a reminder that while we may feel controlled by our inner thoughts, we also possess the power to rise above them and find our own path. The journey is not easy, but acknowledging the presence of this inner “queen” is the first step towards regaining control and living a life true to our authentic selves.

In sharing “Drama Queen,” I invite readers to reflect on their own inner voices and the impact they have on their lives. It’s a call to examine the self-imposed limitations and to seek the freedom that comes from understanding and embracing our true nature. Through this poetic exploration, I hope to inspire others to break free from their mental confines and find their own way to personal liberation.

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