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Poem : FEAR OF THE DARK | Confronting the Unknown


Dark hallway, no lights and no heart,
must walk through it to reach places even dark,
for the true happiness lies in counting the layers of black,
the exhilaration of travelling ungiven distance through
undefined track.
Before this point there were lights and all the colors,
red, blue and green,
which for some reason I decided not to see.
I am not color blind but I am afraid that all these colors might
blind me,
for I am not lost but I am afraid that somebody will find me.
I am a boy of age 6 and feel that I know something
and to protect that knowledge I am losing my peace.
An infant’s mind is a strange thing,
you leave them at the devil’s doorstep
and they will find a parent in them.


Life often feels like a journey through a dark hallway, with no lights to guide us and no heart to calm our fears. My poem “Fear of the Dark” captures the essence of this experience, reflecting on the trepidation and uncertainty that come with navigating through the unknown. This piece delves into the psychological and emotional challenges we face when we are enveloped by darkness, both literal and metaphorical.

“Fear of the Dark” was inspired by the primal fear that shadows us from childhood into adulthood. As a six-year-old, the dark seemed like an endless, terrifying void. Now, as an adult, it represents the unknown aspects of life – the fears, doubts, and uncertainties that we must confront. The dark hallway in the poem is a metaphor for these fears, symbolizing the path we must traverse to reach places even darker, where true happiness lies in counting the layers of black.

Before reaching the point of total darkness, we are surrounded by light and colors – red, blue, and green. These vibrant hues represent the joys and certainties of life that we often take for granted or choose to ignore. It’s not that I am colorblind; it’s that these colors might blind me to the harsh realities I need to face. This paradox reflects a deeper fear: the fear of being found when it’s safer to remain hidden.

In the poem, the perspective of a six-year-old boy who believes he knows something significant and wants to protect that knowledge at the cost of his peace is powerful. This childlike perspective underscores how we, even as adults, hold on to certain beliefs and fears, guarding them jealously. The mind of a child is a strange thing – it can find safety in the most perilous situations, much like finding a parent at the devil’s doorstep.

“Fear of the Dark” explores the repetitive nature of human life. We wake up each day with new expectations, only to have them shattered, pushing us into another cycle of seeking and disappointment. This endless loop can be exhausting, making us feel stuck and haunted by memories of lost opportunities and regrets. The poem captures this sense of being trapped in a cycle of fear and frustration, unable to break free.

One of the most poignant aspects of the poem is the realization of lost support. We often rely on others, believing they will always be there for us, only to find ourselves abandoned when we need them the most. This sense of abandonment adds to the fear and uncertainty we experience, making the darkness even more daunting.

Yet, amidst the bleakness, there is a glimmer of hope. The poem suggests that while the dark hallway is terrifying, it is also where we find true exhilaration and growth. By confronting our fears and navigating through the darkness, we can discover the light that lies beyond. It’s about facing the darkness within us and emerging stronger and more resilient.

Writing “Fear of the Dark” was a deeply personal and cathartic experience. It allowed me to confront my own fears and uncertainties, expressing them in a way that others might relate to. The poem is a reflection on the shared human experience of fear and the courage it takes to face the unknown. It’s a reminder that while the dark can be terrifying, it is also where we find our true strength and resilience.

As you read “Fear of the Dark,” I hope you find a bit of your own journey reflected in its lines. Perhaps it will resonate with your experiences of fear and uncertainty, offering a sense of solidarity and understanding. It’s a call to face our fears head-on, to navigate through the dark hallways of life with courage and determination, and to find the light that awaits us on the other side.





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