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Poem : GO BY THE DAY | Navigating Dreams and Reality

Go By the Day

Smiling to your own face in the mirror
realizing the importance of the day
and the people who lived around you in the memory of your
The day which switched between the darkness of day and the
hope of night
when the dreamer is away from the vulturous sight of the people
of the world.
The night time that allowed the visionaries to fly away
to a private cloud booked in the sky
that never had a moonless countenance
upon the cloud the dreamer dreamed evermore.
Wished for love, peace and other things
and before the dreamer got particular about his wishes
he was woken up to the day.
Dressing up to get in line to earn their daily bread
while overhead he sees his private cloud going by
think of the misery of the heart
that didn’t get the chance to wave goodbye to his last night’s
The insolent supervisor says he doesn’t want anyone losing
their minds under his stick
he could make a lump of your solid bone
but won’t tolerate of your lumpy brain come up with a solid
he simply can’t cope with that sort of situation
so the dreamer acts normal and goes by his day
waiting to see the night again
hoping to sit on his private cloud and dream again
hoping that when he wakes up
the situations would change

“Go By the Day” explores the tension between the mundane routines of daily life and the creative dreams that sustain us. The poem delves into how tiring and monotonous our daily lives can be, and emphasizes the importance of carving out time for ourselves.

In the poem, I wanted to discuss how we often find ourselves caught in the cycle of routine, where each day blends into the next. It can be exhausting, and sometimes, we just need a break. This is where the significance of personal time comes into play – moments where we can reconnect with our dreams and creativity.

The poem reflects on the power of creativity to fuel our lives. It’s our imagination, our art, and our stories that give us strength to endure the routines of life. Without these elements, we become lifeless, merely going through the motions. “Go By the Day” captures this dynamic, highlighting the dreamer’s nightly escape to a personal cloud of dreams and aspirations.

In modern times, there’s a noticeable decline in the recognition of the importance of dreams and creativity. We’re often so focused on productivity and meeting external expectations that we overlook the need for personal fulfillment. This poem serves as a reminder of the vitality that dreams and creativity bring to our lives.

Through “Go By the Day,” I explore the balance between our daily obligations and the dreams that keep us going. It’s a call to prioritize our creative pursuits and recognize their role in making life meaningful.





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