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Poem: “Pawn” – Navigating Life’s Grand Design


A scary tactic of the dark lord is upon us,
All of us are pawns of the grand design,
Moving, jumping, thumping and humping.
Exactly when we get the signal.
Always ready to sacrifice our peace of mind
To set the right piece at the right place to complete the puzzle.
Without that the picture would be unclear.
The picture would ask for more than to be recognized,
And beg the viewer to fix whatever they think is wrong with it,
To get their own hands dirty.
Sometimes the pawn wants to run away,
To a special place where the wind doesn’t blow dirt with it,
And not every alley necessarily smells like shit,
Where there are no air conditioners and no televisions
Where there are no instant food packages and no test tube babies.
Where the children danced every time it rained
And no grumpy bored fuck told the showers to go away
And come again another day.
I am talking about heaven,
Heaven that’s surely around here somewhere,
Between the absolute beginning and the most recent future,
Sometimes the pawn also wishes to live a life of a creator,
Sometimes he too wants to make the pawns believe
in his make-believe world and run along in it.

Writing “Pawn” was an exploration of the subtle yet profound role that seemingly insignificant pieces play in the grand design of life. It started as a reflection on the everyday struggles and the larger forces at play that shape our destinies. The pawn in a chess game is often underestimated, yet it can transform into the most powerful piece on the board under the right circumstances. This metaphor serves as the backbone of my poem.

The Invisible Strings

In the opening lines, “A scary tactic of the dark lord is upon us, All of us are pawns of the grand design,” I am highlighting how we often feel manipulated by unseen forces. These lines capture the essence of feeling like a small part in a much larger, incomprehensible scheme. The idea that we move “Exactly when we get the signal” reflects how our actions are often dictated by societal expectations and pressures.

The Relentless Pursuit

The stanza “Always ready to sacrifice our peace of mind, To set the right piece at the right place to complete the puzzle” delves into the sacrifices we make to fit into the bigger picture. The pursuit of goals, often imposed by external forces, can lead to a loss of personal peace and satisfaction. The image of a puzzle being incomplete without each piece symbolizes the necessity of every individual’s role, no matter how small it seems.

The Desire to Escape

“Sometimes the pawn wants to run away, To a special place where the wind doesn’t blow dirt with it,” expresses the universal desire to escape the grind and find a place of purity and peace. This place, free from the dirt and grime of daily life, represents an idealized heaven, a utopia where one can be free from the constraints and demands of the modern world.

Nostalgia for Simplicity

The lines “Where the children danced every time it rained, And no grumpy bored fuck told the showers to go away” evoke a longing for simpler times, perhaps a childhood memory when joy was unrestrained, and there were no societal rules to dampen our spirits. It’s a stark contrast to the artificial comforts of “air conditioners” and “televisions,” symbolizing a return to a more natural and authentic existence.

The Creator’s Ambition

“Sometimes the pawn also wishes to live a life of a creator,” touches upon the desire within us all to break free from being mere participants and become creators of our own worlds. This line is about empowerment and the longing to transcend our roles, to shape realities rather than just inhabit them.

The Duality of Existence

In the concluding lines, “Heaven that’s surely around here somewhere, Between the absolute beginning and the most recent future,” I reflect on the elusive nature of paradise. It’s not a distant, unattainable dream but something that exists within the continuum of time, accessible yet hidden. The pawn’s wish to “make the pawns believe in his make-believe world” underscores the power of imagination and the potential to influence others through creativity.

Writing “Pawn” was not just an artistic endeavor but a deep personal exploration. It’s about acknowledging the smallness of our roles while also recognizing the potential for greatness within each of us. The poem is a call to embrace both our limitations and our dreams, to find balance in the grand design of life. It serves as a reminder that even the smallest pieces have the power to complete the puzzle.

Through “Pawn,” I hope to inspire readers to reflect on their own lives and the roles they play, encouraging them to find their own “heaven” and perhaps, one day, become the creators of their destinies.



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