Short Story

Short Story : Geet | Part I

Geet : Part 1



Sometimes we think that what we feel is the absolute truth. That the whole of the world should be aligned to our thinking. And when we come across someone who doesn’t feel the same way as we do, we tend to forget that the other person might have their own belief system, instead we spite the other person for not seeing the world in the same colours. We forget that what is obvious to us might not be relevant to others.

We are happy till the time the world agrees and works according to our beliefs, but we are grim when it doesn’t. What we call red, might be yellow in someone else’s eyes, and that’s the cause of all the pain in this world. Such incidents might occur far and apart if you are lucky and in quick succession if you are unlucky but whenever they do happen, they pinch us deeply.

But why does this hurt us so much? Have you ever wondered?

And this pain gets even deeper if someone very close to us disagrees with us. If they said something contrasting to our thought process we are left hapless wondering how someone so close to us could be so different to us.

And in those moments we actually feel really alone.

Naina was standing on her balcony with her elbows on the railing. It was raining lightly, the weather was cool and a pleasant wind was blowing, the air was sweet because of the trees and flowers. It was early monsoon. Naina usually loved to come out and look at the rain falling from the sky. But today she was not feeling well. Something had stirred deep inside her.

Naina was talking to herself: “Today I have everything, a successful and loving husband who is also my friend. Ever since we met in college, we have been friends who understood each other well. Then came the proposal and promises to live together forever and after. A marriage that was nothing short of a dream come true for me. When it couldn’t have gotten any better I was blessed with a baby girl. Really I have everything…

“Everything except Geet….”

Naina looked up at the sky and wondered where Geet could be today? In what circumstances?

Usually she enjoyed the rain, and the falling drops filled her with joy, but even the Indra God with all the beautiful scenes, pleasing scents and cool wind was not able to sway Naina’s heart to happiness.

Naina went inside her home.


Rajat and Naina were sitting on a sofa in their lobby. Rajat was scrolling something on his phone. Their daughter, Minakshi ran past them. Rajat told his daughter not to run in the house. Naina was sitting on the sofa adjacent to Rajat’s and she seemed to be pondering something over. She looked worried.

After a while Rajat put his phone aside and asked Naina: hmm? What Happened?

Naina seemed to have woken up from a deep meditation or contemplation and looked at Rajat blankly.

Rajat repeated more softly: What happened Naina? You look so worried?

Naina: Nothing.

Then she tried to resign from reality once again.

Rajat: There certainly is something…Tell me, maybe I can help.

Naina just shook her head and looked away. Clearly she didn’t want to express whatever was in her mind.

Rajat: Naina, I have been observing you for the past few days and you don’t seem well at all. You are behaving very differently. Tell me what is eating you up? What happened? Please share with me.

Silence ensued from Naina.

Rajat: We have been married for 10 years, it’s not the age for us to secretly worry about something. We should share whatever bothers us.

Naina kept silent on this too. But her discomfort and agony was apparent.

Rajat: You can trust me.

Naina: Rajat, am I a very bad person?

Rajat: What? No…(More seriously and with a straight face and lighter voice) No, not at all. You are a very nice person.

Naina shook her head again in disagreement.

Click here to Read the Next part -> Geet | Part : 2




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